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Being authentically and bravely yourself in the world. 

We are here to support you in that ðŸ”¥

This is a 20-week program for young adults (22-27 years) who desire to explore themselves further and who want to step more into their leadership.

Who are you when you are in a safe space where you can fully be yourself?

This program will give you more embodied insight in who you are and what you bring to the world. It provides you with tools and a community to help you thrive in your relationships and everything you undertake, at work or in creative projects. 

But what does that even mean?

To thrive in life?

That means among others:

- You feel more in touch with your body and your spiritual heart and you know better how to act on it.

-You feel more natural confidence in what you bring to the world.

-You are able to communicate more sincere to your friends, partner, colleagues, family. 

Is this something you desire?

Be welcome!

What this program offers:

Genuine connections, guidance and tools (for example: tools to help you regulate your nervous system, that are useful when you undertake something that is out of your comfortzone).

- 10 online sessions of 1,5 hours spread over 20 weeks. 

Every sunday at 20 CET (NL) / 15 GMT- 3 (Chile) / 12 GMT - 6 (Mexico).

- 10 to 12 new connections from all around the world, ages 22-27.

We start in September 2024!

What the program costs.

290 euro / 312 U.S. dollar (can be paid in two terms).

When enrolling with a friend, you and your friend, get 20 euro or 21,5 U.S. dollar discount each. 

If you want to: 

get deeper in touch with :

who you are and what you bring to this world, 

make new connections,

learn from peers all around the world,

then this program is for you. 🔥

Let's meet! You can plan a 20 minute call to explore if this is something for you.

Hi, I'm Daniela and I'm the founder of this program. I will be guiding the sessions together with an other experienced spaceholder which will be introduced in May!

Do you want to read a little bit more about me? You can find more info here

Also, on the right side of this page, you can book a short session of about 20 minutes, so we can meet eachother. You can ask in these 20 minutes everything you want about the program.